How do I export or print a PDF of my design?

From 2D or 3D mode, select the Export tab to export a PDF of your event to your email inbox.

Once you select "Export PDF" you can choose to export your Default Settings or create a Custom Export.

  • Your Default Settings can be adjusted by clicking "." This will take you to the Settings tab where you can check/uncheck exactly what you'd like to see in all of your PDFs & these will be your default settings moving forward. 
  • A Custom Export will allow you to check/uncheck what you'd like to see in a one-off export.

You also have the option to Optimize for black and white printing.

Reminder: You will not see 3D settings/options if you are only inside 2D mode, when you are in 3D mode, you will see all export options.

Once you click "Generate my PDF" your export will be sent to your email inbox.