How do I add measurements to my floorplan?

Use "Measure" in the Tools tab of 2D mode to add rulers and measure distances on your floorplan!

How to add multiple measurements to a floorplan

You have the ability to add as many measurements as you need to a layout.

  1. Click "Measure" to add an additional measurement to your floorplan
  2. Click on an existing measurement and then click "Copy" in the actions menu to duplicate it
  3. To adjust the measurement, drag the two blue dots on the ends to your desired spacing


How to delete a measurement

  • Click the measurement and click "Delete" in the actions menu on the bottom of your screen

How to enter in your own measurement length (without dragging the blue dots)

  • Click on the measurement & click "Edit Ruler" in the actions menu
  • Type in the feet and inches, measurement will automatically adjust

How to hide rulers

  • If you wish to hide your rulers while floorplanning but not delete them, click the layers button and uncheck Measurements

How to export a floorplan with or without measurements

  1. Click the Export tab
  2. Export PDF
  3. Custom Export
  4. Check or Uncheck Measurements