Events Dashboard Overview

Your Events Dashboard is home to all of the events you create on Merri! Here's how to navigate it:

Creating a New Event

Any time you create a New Event it will be added to your Events Dashboard. To create a new event, you will need to include an Event Name, your client's First and Last Name, Event Date, and Event Location.

The Event Location is important because whatever you put there determines what venues you will see in the Venues tab in the next step.

Pro Tip 😊: If you're ever not sure about the location of your event and/or just want to see ALL venues in our catalog, you can always put "Not Sure Yet" as the Event Location!

Navigating the Events Dashboard

Event Types 

There are three tabs at the top left of the Events Dashboard to filter the events you want to see:

  • All Events: If you are a Venue or All Access Member and you have multiple users under the same account, you will be able to see all of your team members' events here. 

  • My Events: This is where you will view the events that you have created yourself.
  • Archived Events: Any events you have archived due to completion of the event or starting fresh will live here.


There are two views you can toggle between within the Events Dashboard: List View and Card View.

Searching for an Event

If there comes a time when you have too many events to count 😊 or you want to search for one of your colleagues' events, you can always search for a specific event using the search bar. 

Event Actions

There are multiple actions you can select from by clicking the 3 dots on an event itself.

List View:

Card View:

  1. Edit the Event: Here you will have the ability to edit the information you input when you initially created the event i.e. Event Name, Client Name, Event Date, Guest Count, Internal Notes. 
  2. Change the Event Image: The event image will always automatically default to image Merri has for the venue. If you want to replace the image, you can select "Replace" and choose any image from your computer.
  3. Duplicate the Event: If you are creating an event at that mirrors another of your events at the same venue, you can Duplicate or Clone an event and only change the new event's information such as: Event Name, Client Name, and Event Date. 
  4. Share Event: When you select "Share", you will have the ability to add a collaborator's email address, user type, and permissions.
    • Merri offers the following collaborator permissions: Editor, Guest Manager, and Read Only.
    • Event Planner Note 😊: Professional members only have the ability to grant "Editor" permissions. All Access members have access to ALL collaborator permissions. You can change your membership type at any time within your account settings. 
  5. Archive Event: If your event was in the past, you decided to start fresh, or for any other reason, you can move your event to your archived events at any time.